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Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno)

Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno) - male Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno) - male Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno) - female Interesting facts: Their habitat is montane cloud forest from Southern Mexico to western Panama.  The male has a helmet-like crest.  Depending on the light its feathers can shine in a variant of colors from green-gold to blue-violet.  In breeding males, tail coverts are longer than the rest of the body.  It is classified as near threatened due to habitat loss.

Nocturnal Macro-Adventure

February is the macro month! So, we continue showing you more of this big small world through the photos of Miguel Siu and Julio Abdiel.

Harvestmen (Opiliones) are very common during our night walks in the rainforest, and could be very conspicuous and cooperative. 

Caterpillar (Lepidoptera). This is how a caterpillar looks when you confuse it’s rear end as the head.

Crickets (Gryllidae) are the masters of disguise of the rainforest.

Katydids (Tettigoniidae) can be vulnerable when ongoing metamorphosis like this one emerging from its exoskeleton.

Beetles (Coleoptera order)  are very diverse, you can find them on many flavors as shown below on this section:
A beetle with comb-like antennae

Weevils as this member of the Conoderinae subfamily are also coleopterans. This guy is playing dead trying to pass as a seed to avoid the predators with cameras.

White Broad-Nosed Weevil (Compus). Once more we find this ghostly inhabitant of the forest.

Scarab or Dung Beetle (Scarabaeoidea)

Don’t be fooled by these tree snails, they are not as big as seen on pictures.

Planthopper (Fulgoromorpha)

Millipede (Diplopoda) having sweet dreams

Mantis (Pseudomiopteryx sp.)

Bark Mantis (Liturgusa sp.)

Mantis (Mantidae)

Moth or Butterfly? Sometimes it's hard to tell

And again we found the most dangerous spider in Panama, the Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria boliviensis)

...also a non-dangerous cousin

...and more spiders

...we also found these Huntsman Spiders (Sparassidae) blending very well with the ambient, either bark or leaf.

And finally, from time to time cockroaches (Blattodea) come by to proof they also have details to show.


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